715-458-2267 | OPEN! Mon.-Fri. 11-6pm, Sat. 10-noon, Sun. Closed cameronpl@cameronpl.org

Library Board

Charlotte Tubbs, President (2023-2025)
Judy Erickson, Vice President (2022-2024)
Ben, Secretary, school representative
Maggie (2024-2026)
, town representative


Regular meetings: 4th Monday of the month at 5 PM in the library meeting room. Public invited.

Front entrance to cameron public library

Library Board Agendas





Library Board Meeting Minutes


Minutes Month, Day, Year


Minutes Month, Day, Year

Annual Reports

The Wisconsin Public Library Annual Report is intended to provide a general description of the public library and the services it provides to library users during report year. Library boards are required to file reports with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s Division for Libraries and Technology (DLT) and the libraries’ municipal governing body within 60 days of the conclusion of the fiscal year, under Wis. Stat. 43.58 (6) (a). More information on the annual report can be found at the Wisconsin DPI Wisconsin Public Library Annual Report website: https://dpi.wi.gov/libraries/public-libraries/data-reporting/annual-report








  • Patron Responsibilities and Conduct
  • Services of the Library
  • Responsibilities and Authorities of the Library Board
  • Volunteers and Friends
  • Materials Selection/Collection Development Policy
  • Circulation Policy
  • Reference Service Policy
  • Programming Policy
  • Equipment Use Policy
  • Inernet Use Policy
  • Meeting Room Policy
  • Displays and Exhibits Policy
  • Public Notice Bulletin Board Policy
  • Emergency and Disasters Policy
  • Library Bill of Rights
  • The Freedom to Read Statement


Visit us

Cameron Public lIbrary


Cameron Public Library
506 Main Street
Cameron, WI 54822
phone: 715-458-2267 

Mon-Fri: 11-6pm
Saturday: 10-noon
Sunday: CLOSED